Key Takeaways from this Newsletter
Read this newsletter or the cold snap continues until April!
- Next Troop Meeting – Feb 3 – School Hall
- Sock Drive Wrap-Up and Delivery
- Eagle Court of Honor – Sun, Feb 2 – 2:00 – Gym
- Ad Altare Dei Begins Feb 10
- Troop Jackets
- Upcoming Dates
Hi everyone,
- Next Troop Meeting – Monday, February 3 – School Hall - 7:00-9:00 PM
We will be debriefing the busy weekend after dropping off the socks and underwear and holding the Eagle Court of Honor.
Class B uniform if you helped drop off socks or attended the Eagle Court of Honor.
- Sock and Underwear Drop-Off – Saturday, February 1 – 9:00 AM
We will be meeting at the Parish Offices on Saturday morning to load up the socks and underwear for delivery to Cornerstone Community Outreach in Uptown. We will be back at St. Juliana by 11:00.
Please wear your black Troop polo shirt.
- Eagle Court of Honor – Sunday, February 2 – Troop gathers at 1:00/Ceremony starts at 2:00
We will be awarding the highest rank in Scouting to Chris Zayia. The families of Scouts are warmly invited to join us for the Court of Honor at 2:00 PM. A reception will follow the ceremony.
Scouts and Leaders will gather at 1:00 to prepare for the ceremony. Everyone should be in Class A uniforms, including nice pants.
- Ad Altare Dei Starts Monday, February 10 – 7:00 PM – Sign Up by February 3
As previously announced, we will begin offering the prestigious Catholic Scout Award – Ad Altare Dei – “To the Altar of God”. Scouts who have completed sixth grade are eligible to work on the award. The cost to participate in earning the award is $40. This fee includes the Scout workbook and the Ad Altare Dei ribbon and medal.
The counselors for Ad Altare Dei are Deacon Tom Dombai and Mr. Chris Floss. We are grateful to them for their generous donation of time to our Scouts. Beginning on February 10 they will meet with the Scouts from 7:00 to 7:30 prior to the regular Troop meeting. They will schedule meetings every two weeks to work through the award. The initial meeting with Scouts is on Monday, February 10 at 7:00 PM.
Scouts who are interested in earning Ad Altare Dei should let me know as soon as possible. The fee is due by February 3, so that we can make sure to get enough workbooks for everybody. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.
- Troop Jackets
A few people have asked if the Troop is planning to get more of the green winter jackets that many of us are wearing. We are willing to order more if there is enough interest. The more we order the better the price will be. Mrs. Albanito is researching the cost, but we need to have an idea of how much interest there is. The jackets are very well made, warm, and durable. One wearer almost set his on fire on a camping trip, but he’s still wearing it! They also have inside pockets that are very convenient. We have been very happy with them over the years. We will let you know when we have some pricing, but please let me know if you might be interested.
- Upcoming Dates
- Sat, February 1 – Sock Drive Drop-Off at Cornerstone in Uptown
- Sun, February 2 - Eagle Court of Honor – 2:00 PM
- Sun, February 9 – Scout Mass – 9:30 AM
- Sat, February 15 – 10-Mile Hike
- Sat, March 1 – Bishop John’s First Mass at St. Juliana – 5:00 PM
- Fri-Sun – March 7-9 – Cabin Camping at BSA Camp Oh-Da-Ko-Ta – Burlington, WI
- Fri-Sun – April 25-27 – Backpacking Weekend – Ice Age Trail
- Fri-Sun – May 16-18 – Tent Camping at Warren Dunes
- Mon-Fri – June 16-20 – White River Canoe Trip
- Sun- Sat, July 13-19 – Summer Camp
See you Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!
Mr. Pelrine
Scoutmaster, Troop 965
Scoutmaster, Troop 965