Key Takeaways from this Newsletter
- Next Troop Meeting – Oct 21 – School Hall
- 2025 Dues
- Upcoming Dates
- Camping at Rock Cut – October 25-27
- Ad Altare Dei Catholic Scout Award
Hi everyone,
- Next Troop Meeting – October 21 – School Hall – 7:00-9:00 PM
There was some good advancement work completed this week. The focus of our next Troop meeting is the Rock Cut camping weekend on October 25-27. Please bring your payment and permission slip to the Troop meeting. We will be working on patrol menus, duty rosters, and crew gear. We can’t accept late sign-ups, so make sure you have your payments and p-slip.
Class A uniforms for everyone! Thank you!
- IMPORTANT 2025 Dues Information from Pete Stolarski
As I mentioned at Monday’s Court of Honor, the Troop Committee has set the dues for 2025 for Scouts at $150.
A separate email will be sent when we start collecting this fee. The vast majority of Troop members reregister at the end of the calendar year. Some Scouts have registered at different times of the year and have done so electronically with the local Council. They can pay online as well.
Please contact Pete Stolarski and we will determine the prorated amount that should be paid to the Troop.
This will also apply to Leaders as well.
We will then pay the council on your behalf. Please make checks out to Troop 965.
Any questions, please contact me.
Thank you.
Pete Stolarski
[email protected]
- Upcoming Dates
- Fri-Sun, October 25-27 – Camping Weekend at Rock Cut State Park
- Sat, November 23 – Thanksgiving Dinner – Camp Reinberg Forest Preserve
- Sat, December 7 – Save the date for a Day Trip – Location TBD by the Patrol Leader Council
- October 25-27 Camping Weekend at Rock Cut State Park
The Troop will be tent camping at Rock Cut State Park on the weekend of October 25-27. The Rock Cut group campsite lies along the shore of Pierce Lake. It is a beautiful spot and especially pretty in the fall as the leaves change colors. The cost of the weekend is $45.00 per person and the permission slip can be found in the Resource Center. The permission slip and the fee are due at the October 21 Troop meeting.
- Ad Altare Dei Catholic Scout Award
The Troop will be offering our Scouts the opportunity to earn the Catholic Scout religious award – Ad Altare Dei – Latin for “to the Altar of God” beginning in November. Mr. Chris Floss and Deacon Tom Dombai have offered their services to be counselors for the award. There will be a modest charge to cover the costs of the program.
See you soon!
Mr. Pelrine
Scoutmaster, Troop 965