Key Takeaways from this Newsletter
Read this if you want the sun to rise tomorrow. We’re counting on you!
- Scout Mass – Sun, Feb 11 – 9:30 am
- Next Meeting – Mon, Feb 12 – Gym
- Successful Sock Drive!
- Cabin Camping – Feb 23-25
- Lector Training Offered
- Catholic Religious Awards
- Cub Scout Pancake Breakfast – Mar 3
- Men’s Day of Reflection – Mar 9
- Backpacking Weekend – April 26-28
Hi everyone,
- Scout Mass – Sunday, February 11 – 9:30 AM
Please join your fellow Scouts and Leaders for the annual Scout Mass. Class A uniforms – please!
- Next Troop Meeting – Monday, February 12 – 7:00-9:00 - Gym
It has been a busy couple of weeks with the Sock Drive over two weekends and the Eagle Court of Honor for Luke. Next up is Scout Mass on February 11. I hope you can make it to see the Cub Scouts receive their religious awards.
Luke’s Court of Honor was well attended and a great celebration of his earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Not very many guys make it that far in Scouts, so I hope you were inspired by his example of hanging in there and getting it done!
- Sock Drive Wrap-Up and Drop-Off
We just completed our most successful Sock and Underwear Drive since we started doing this. I thought last year was going to be our best year, but this year the parish came through in an amazing way. We collected nearly twice the amount of clothing articles (pairs of socks, underwear, and even kids’ shoes! - almost 2900 pieces!) and more than twice the amount of cash donations over last year. I am humbled by the generosity of the people of St. Juliana. They always support the Boy Scouts, but they also have a generous spirit of helping those less fortunate in our community. They are a good example for all of us in the Troop.
Here are some crazy examples of the generosity we saw:
- Someone dropped a $100 bill in the basket and someone else gave a $50 bill plus two people who donated checks for $50 each.
- Two women came in before one of the Masses with three big paper shopping bags filled with socks.
- Another person went to Target and bought all the kids’ shoes they could find - 51 pairs!
- Someone else brought a bundle of 200 pairs of socks.
On top of everything our PR was late this year. I think everything people are hearing about the difficulties recent migrants face made the difference.
It was amazing and leaves me with a renewed sense of how people can rise to challenges!
The St. Vincent DePaul Society was a great partner on the Sock Drive. They will be taking part of what was collected to Catholic Charities. St. Vincent DePaul also made a financial contribution to the Drive. I continue to be amazed by the generosity of our parish!
The Sock Drive would not have happened without the leadership of Assistant Scoutmaster Mike Reese. He managed the arrangements with the other parish groups (SJ School, CCD, St. Vincent DePaul, and the Missionary Spirit Team) who contributed to the effort and helped coordinate the whole project. Thanks Mr. Reese!
Sock Drop-Off – Saturday, February 17 – 9:00 AM
Mr. Reese has confirmed delivery of the collection to Cornerstone Community Outreach in Uptown on Saturday, February 17. Scouts and parents are encouraged to help. We will meet at the Parish Office Building at 9:00 on that morning. We will load up and go and will be back at St. Juliana by 11:00.
- February 23-25 Cabin Camp-Out
We are set for a winter cabin camping weekend at Camp Topenebee – near Michigan City. Mark your calendars. The cost of this weekend is $45.00 per person and the permission slip is in the Resource Center.
- Lector Training
Are you interested in serving as a lector at weekend Masses? The parish is offering training to anyone who is interested. Let me know if you are interested and I will help you get connected.
- Catholic Religious Award for Boy Scouts
The Troop is making plans to offer the Ad Altare Dei (To the Altar of God) award to our members. More information will be available soon. Here is a picture of the ribbon/medal that is given to those who complete the program.
- Cub Scout Pancake Breakfast – Sunday, March 3 – School Hall - 8:00 am–12:30 pm
It is time once again for the Cub Scout Pancake Breakfast. You can get tickets from Mr. Gulliford or Mrs. Albanito. Tickets are $7.00 in advance and $8.00 at the door. Raffle tickets for awesome prizes are available at 6 tickets for $5.00.
Boy Scouts who want service hours are invited to help. Talk to Mr. Gulliford or me about getting signed up for the Breakfast.
- April 26-28 Backpacking Weekend – Hold the Date!
Mr. Gulliford is working on getting reservations for a weekend of camping and backpacking in Wisconsin. Mark your calendar and watch for more information.
- Men’s Day of Reflection – Saturday, March 9
The men of the parish are invited to a day of reflection at St. Juliana. For more information check the Sunday bulletin, parish website or talk to me or Vic Ramirez. It promises to be a great way to recharge your faith life.
I hope to see you at Scout Mass this Sunday!
Mr. Pelrine
Scoutmaster, Troop 965