Hi everyone,
- Next Troop Meeting – June 12 – Ahearn Center (Gym) – 7:00-9:00 PM
We will be talking about Troop leadership positions and preparing to have Scouts move into new positions before we go to summer camp in July.
Class B uniforms for everybody!
- Picnic Thank You
Thank you to the Scouts and Leaders who assisted with staffing the First Aid tent at the Parish Picnic. We distributed about 100 mini first Aid kits and helped a couple of people with minor issues. It was good publicity for the Troop and a fun day. Special thanks to Art Mandelin for donating the first aid kits and supervising the first aid services.
- Health Form Deadline is Upon Us!
The mandatory BSA health form is due on June 12. Scouts and Leaders who have not submitted the form by the deadline may not participate in any Troop activities, including Troop meetings beginning with the June 12 meeting. Please let Pete Stolarski or me know if you have any questions.
- New T-Shirts are Here
The new Troop T-shirt has arrived, and it looks great! The cost of the shirt is $8.00. If you received a shirt at the Picnic and haven’t paid yet, please bring your $8 payment to the next Troop meeting. We would like every Scout and Leader to have one, so if cost is an issue, please have a confidential conversation with Pete Stolarski. We can help anyone who is cash strapped.
- Owasippe Parent Meeting – Monday, June 26 – 7:30 PM
During the regular Troop meeting, we will have an important meeting with Scouts who are attending summer camp and a parent. We will have paperwork that needs signing, gear lists, and other camp information.
- Car Wash – Saturday, July 15 – Mark Your Calendar!
The annual Car Wash is coming up in July. We need every Scout, Leader, and parent to help. The proceeds of the Car Wash are critical in supporting the Troop budget and keeping dues at a manageable level.
See you on June 12!
Mr. Pelrine
Scoutmaster, Troop 965
- Next Troop Meeting – June 12 – Ahearn Center (Gym) – 7:00-9:00 PM
We will be talking about Troop leadership positions and preparing to have Scouts move into new positions before we go to summer camp in July.
Class B uniforms for everybody!
- Picnic Thank You
Thank you to the Scouts and Leaders who assisted with staffing the First Aid tent at the Parish Picnic. We distributed about 100 mini first Aid kits and helped a couple of people with minor issues. It was good publicity for the Troop and a fun day. Special thanks to Art Mandelin for donating the first aid kits and supervising the first aid services.
- Health Form Deadline is Upon Us!
The mandatory BSA health form is due on June 12. Scouts and Leaders who have not submitted the form by the deadline may not participate in any Troop activities, including Troop meetings beginning with the June 12 meeting. Please let Pete Stolarski or me know if you have any questions.
- New T-Shirts are Here
The new Troop T-shirt has arrived, and it looks great! The cost of the shirt is $8.00. If you received a shirt at the Picnic and haven’t paid yet, please bring your $8 payment to the next Troop meeting. We would like every Scout and Leader to have one, so if cost is an issue, please have a confidential conversation with Pete Stolarski. We can help anyone who is cash strapped.
- Owasippe Parent Meeting – Monday, June 26 – 7:30 PM
During the regular Troop meeting, we will have an important meeting with Scouts who are attending summer camp and a parent. We will have paperwork that needs signing, gear lists, and other camp information.
- Car Wash – Saturday, July 15 – Mark Your Calendar!
The annual Car Wash is coming up in July. We need every Scout, Leader, and parent to help. The proceeds of the Car Wash are critical in supporting the Troop budget and keeping dues at a manageable level.
See you on June 12!
Mr. Pelrine
Scoutmaster, Troop 965